The smart EVS for the clinic.
Extendable with our eTDR and ZAIS, as well as standalone and linked to your EHR.
Clinical and outpatient prescribing in one system. Optionally expandable with digital administration registration and/or (Z)AIS. Optimal medication monitoring during prescribing and administration. Simple, quick and easy. And of course comply with the latest laws and regulations.
Smart software, highly automated. With SmartMed Clinic, complicated cases prove easy to manage.
We know you. And know exactly what you need.
We come from practical experience ourselves. So we know what you're up against and understand what you need. Like fast access to accurate, complete data. That and more is possible with our user-friendly software.
Always a correct and complete medication summary.
Close medication monitoring. During prescription and during administration. We can easily set up even the most complicated schedules.
In line with current laws and regulations, ready for future regulations.
Save time and money. With SmartMed Clinic.
Developing software that supports management decisions is our core competency. In this, we go further than others. We call it further automation. So that you have to perform fewer actions. Information is quickly accessible, accurate and complete. So you can quickly make the right decision. You save time. And money.
Tailored to your unique ZBC. Narrow opportunities to your situation and favorite common actions.
Unlimited interoperability between you and other healthcare providers.
Real-time access to patient data. And maintenance of patient data. Through our EHR integration.
Unburdened with our SAAS. Everything securely in the cloud. With this we relieve you. So you can focus on things that are really important to you.
Everything customized. Specific to your ZBC.
We understand that every ZBC is different. Therefore, our modern Clinic solution is an EVS that can be expanded with an eTDR and/or a ZAIS.
Customer-specific integrations. Do you have specific requirements or needs? SmartMed Clinic can interface with all vendors.
Create the environment that fits each unique situation. Define, implement and manage your specific medication sets and your protocols. And record item-level administration times.
One unique patient record. Accurate and complete. Which travels with the patient throughout the (outpatient) clinic. And is always accessible, correct and complete.
Unburdened by efficient automation
We deliver Software-as-a-Service (SAAS). So no more large hardware investments. Smart and highly automated. So fast and efficient.
See only what is needed. We make all the information you want accessible. But show only the relevant information. In a user-friendly screen. So that you can act quickly. Still need more information? Quickly and easily at your fingertips.
Do only what is necessary. Actions that the software can do you no longer see. Actions that someone else has already done you don't have to do. Configurable per organization. You never have to re-enter information that is already available.
Automatic compliance with laws and regulations. Medication actions are automatically checked in all possible ways by default. Registered after validation. And shared with appropriate partners.
Optimizing policies becomes easy
SmartMed Clinic delivers data insight and overview. You quickly see what can be improved. And act accordingly. Continuously.
Every medication action in view. SmartMed Clinic reports every process step. Documents every relevant variable. And makes data available when you want it.
Smart management dashboards. Our comprehensive data recording makes good data analysis possible. SmartMed Clinic includes smart management dashboards that show you key trends. Easily see what is going well. And what could be done better.
Creating your own analytics. With PowerBI and Analytics, you go in depth. This way you will learn even more. See exactly what you do well. And what may need extra attention.
Interoperability with everyone
SmartMed is a leader in Medication Process 9 (MP9). That means interoperability with everyone. Put more simply, we interface with everyone. Without data loss.
Boundless connectivity. We connect to any data source. Even sources specific to your ZBC.
Fast data exchange according to standards. Both LSP, HL7 and MP9? Yes!
Real-time access to current medication status. For every caregiver. In every department. Regardless of admission status.
The information you need is clear, easily accessible, accurate and complete. So you can quickly make the right decision. You save time. And money.
Everything customized for your ZBC
SmartMed Clinic can do a lot and is incredibly flexible. You simply adjust your organization to fit your situation.
Define and manage your own list of medication orders. And favorite them. Such as common schedules. Complex schedules. And your own unique schedules.
Create your own items. Such as specific preparations.
Choose your preferred units. The ones your people count in. For example, mg. Or just IE. or ml.
Electronic administration registration (e-TDR) by barcode scanning. Double check (four-eye principle) easily arranged.
Would you like to experience how well SmartMed Clinic fits your ZBC? Fill out the form and we'll drop by!
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