The smart EVS + ZAIS + eTDR combination.
Now. And in the future.
Closed-loop prescribing, monitoring and administration. That's SmartMed Hospital. In a flexible configuration. Always a correct medication overview. Regardless of admission status. Outpatient and clinical. Also available separately and linkable with EPDs.
Complicated? Not for SmartMed. We make complicated things simple. With smart software. And thoughtful architecture.
We know you. Better than others.
We come from practice ourselves. Several pharmacists, doctors and nurses work at SmartMed. We know what you're up against. And understand what you need.
Always an accurate medication record. The record travels with the patient and is always correct and complete wherever the patient is.
Close medication monitoring. During prescription and during administration. Also for one-time unforeseen doses.
You can easily set the most complicated dosing schedules. And you see them clearly on your screen.
Easily schedule preoperative screening ahead by visit.
In line with current laws and regulations, ready for future regulations.
Save time and money. With SmartMed Hospital.
Developing software that supports management decisions is our core competency. Smart algorithms and AI make processes more efficient. More effective. Faster. Information is complete, accurate and easily accessible. So you make the right decision fast. You save time. And money.
Unlimited interoperability between you and other healthcare providers.
Unburdened with our SAAS. Everything securely in the cloud. With this we relieve you. So you can focus on things that are really important to you.
Real-time access to patient data. And maintenance of patient data. Through our EHR integration.
Each specialty its own unique environment. You make visible what is relevant to your specialty or department. Like your formulary. Limit the choices to that. Or don't. You decide.
Everything customized. Specific to your situation.
We understand that every hospital is different. And every specialty. And every location. With our expertise and practical experience, we deliver a flexible solution. With many possibilities. We give you tools and advice. So you determine your optimal configuration. Does your organization or environment change? Then you adjust those choices. Intuitively, quickly and simply.
Customer-specific integrations. Do you have specific requirements or needs? We listen carefully. And come up with a smart solution.
Create the environment that fits each unique work situation. Define, implement and manage specialty-specific medication sets. Your protocols. And record item-level administration times.
Quick insight into your local data. Immediate insight into whether a product is within the formulary, in the range and in stock. With a simple, easy verification process.
Always 1 unique patient record. Accurate and complete. That travels with the patient throughout the (outpatient) clinic. Even when the patient enters via the emergency room.
Efficient through continued automation
Unburdening with SAAS. We deliver Software-as-a-Service. With this we unburden you. No more large hardware investments. An internet connection is sufficient. So you can focus on things that are really important to you.
Everything customized for you. Create your own environment. Specific to each unique situation within your hospital.
See only what is needed. We make all the information you want accessible. But show only the relevant information. In a user-friendly screen. So that you can act quickly. Still need more information? That is usually only 1 click away.
Do only what is necessary. Actions that the software can do you no longer see. You don't have to do anything that someone else has already done. Only to be checked if required by law or your agreement. You never have to re-enter information that is already available.
Automatic compliance with laws and regulations. Medication actions are automatically checked in all possible ways by default. Registered after validation. And shared with appropriate partners.
Always insight and overview
You see what could be better. Investigates how to do it better. And act accordingly. This is how you improve yourself. Continuously.
Every medication operation in view. Our system reports every process step. Documents every relevant variable. And makes data available when you want it.
Smart management dashboards. Our comprehensive data recording makes good data analysis possible. SmartMed includes smart management dashboards that show you key trends. Easily see what's going well. And what could be better.
Creating your own analytics. With PowerBI and Analytics, you go in depth. This way you will learn even more. See exactly what you do well. And what may need extra attention.
Unlimited cooperation
SmartMed chooses unlimited collaboration. We are active in Actis and a leader in Medication Process 9 (MP9). That means interoperability with everyone. Put more simply, we interoperate with everyone. Without data loss. We are also leaders in MITZ
Boundless/unbounded connectivity. We connect to any data source you want.
Fast data exchange according to standards. Both LSP, HL7 and MP9? Yes!
Real-time access to current medication status. In every department. Regardless of admission status. Our LSP integration guarantees that. And reports your changes back automatically.
Information clearly accessible, accurate and complete. We make the information you want clearly available in the work screen.
So you make the right decision quickly. You save time. And money.
Always customized for each department/location
Our solution can do a lot. And it is very flexible. Great! Because your needs and goals can differ per specialty, department and location. With our support, you decide which functionalities you use where. This way, our system always fits every situation optimally. A few examples of possibilities:
By specialty, define and manage your own list of medication orders. And favorite them. Such as common schedules. Complex schedules. And your own unique schedules.
Upload department-specific data. Such as formularies. Exclude any other options. Or don't. You decide.
Create your own items. Such as specific preparations.
Choose your preferred units. The ones in which your people count. For example, mg or just IE or ml.
Define and manage your desired authorization roles.
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