Introducing: Saskia Coppens, Implementation Consultant

Introducing: Saskia Coppens, Implementation Consultant

With the rollout of our new AIS SmartMed Pharmacy, the SmartMed Implementation Team has been expanded and strengthened with Saskia. Saskia will support pharmacy teams with the implementations. This includes both the preparation, the follow-up of the script and the actual go live of SmartMed Pharmacy. On location as well as remote support.

Saskia Coppens joins SmartMed implementation team

Saskia knows the ins and outs of a community pharmacy like the back of her hand. As a pharmacy assistant, Saskia has more than 25 years of experience in community pharmacy. During her Pharmaceutical Manager training, her interest was piqued in improving pharmacy processes. As a Support Assistant at Alliance Healthcare she has gained a lot of experience in this field over the past years. She has seen the inside of many different pharmacies and has been able to support those teams well.

Her experience with many different pharmacy teams comes in handy in her position. Saskia Coppens: "Pharmacy teams can be very different, and I like that. I get energy when I can support them well and teach them something new that increases their effectiveness and job satisfaction. With SmartMed Pharmacy, working in the pharmacy will become clearer and more efficient. Both the pharmacy team and the patient will notice this. I look forward to doing that together with you."

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