🌟 Prodeba first customer of Tuula, the ECD+EVS software package for ZBCs

🌟 Prodeba first customer of Tuula, the ECD+EVS software package for ZBCs

Party in Leiden! Earlier this week we reported the partnership between SmartMed and Tuula Software, following the successful integration of our EVS SmartMed Clinic into the ECD Tuula. Prodeba, a leading provider of specialist and basic mental health care and already a Tuula user, decided to start using the combined (ECD+EVS) Tuula solution with immediate effect.

Prodeba chooses Tuula with the integrated SmartMed Clinic EVS

Judith Wupkes, director at Prodeba: "Prodeba stands for quality. We are ambitious and dare to innovate. Tuula is an ECD specially developed for healthcare, including the GGZ. The integration of SmartMed Clinic makes our medication management a lot more user-friendly and efficient. This allows Prodeba to provide quality care to those who need it." 💪

Hamdija Haracic, CTO at Tuula Software explains the benefit to users, "Integration of SmartMed's EVS allows Tuula users to access client medication data directly in Tuula and prescribe medications electronically using SmartMed Clinic. Data exchange between Tuula and SmartMed is fully automated and in real time, allowing users to seamlessly navigate both applications without discrepancies. User-friendly, efficient and secure. And thus exactly what a user wants."

Want to read more about what Tuula can do for your clinic? Visit www.tuula.nl

#Prodeba #Tuula #SmartMedClinic #EVS #ECD #DigitalHealth #CareInnovation #ApotheekNews

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