SmartMed FarmaSys to be first AIS connected to MITZ

SmartMed FarmaSys to be first AIS connected to MITZ

A new milestone for SmartMed and for Mitz. This week, the controlled go live of Mitz took place at Apotheek Pijnacker Centrum (APC). This makes APC the first pharmacy in the Netherlands to connect its pharmacy information system (AIS) to Mitz, the online consent facility. APC can now easily consult its clients' consent choices in Mitz.

Pijnacker Centrum pharmacy and SmartMed celebrate verified go-live of Mitz

Clients can also use pharmacy to have their consent choices recorded in Mitz. SmartMed has included the "Together to My Mitz" functionality in SmartMed Farmasys for this purpose.

SmartMed leader in innovation

SmartMed Farmasys is the first AIS to have these functionalities. SmartMed and APC worked together to prepare and extensively test the controlled go live. This went so well that they can now be the first to celebrate this milestone and prove once again that they are leaders in innovation.

The cooperation between SmartMed and APC is not accidental. Both parties are also acting jointly in the Kickstart Medication Transfer (MO), which prepares a secure digital transfer of medication data between all sectors of healthcare.


Alfred Godeke, CEO of SmartMed: "Open systems and good, secure data exchange are essential to increase medication safety. SmartMed consciously chooses to be at the forefront of this in the Kickstart. But effective data exchange also requires patient consent, and the connection of the AIS to the online central consent registry. Given the importance to the patient, that too is our priority, and I am proud that we are the first AIS to achieve this."

Pharmacists have a special role, as they inform citizens from the pharmacy about Mitz and can help citizens record their consent choices. It shows their central care role and relieves other healthcare providers. "To date, consent is done in many different places and that causes a lot of confusion," explains Arjan Roelofs, pharmacist at Pijnacker Centrum Pharmacy, why his pharmacy is connected to Mitz. "With Mitz you arrange consent choices in one central place. Not only for us, but for all healthcare providers."

What is Mitz, MijnMitz and Together to MijnMitz?
Exchanging medical data between health care providers often requires patient consent. Until recently, giving consent was done in many different ways and places. Mitz, the online consent facility, was developed to make it simpler and easier for the entire healthcare system. Any healthcare provider can use Mitz to check whether a patient has given permission to exchange data with another healthcare provider.

- Through MijnMitz. nl, each citizen can record and manage their own consents. 

- For citizens who are less language or digi-savvy, the Together to MyMitz functionality has been developed. This allows pharmacy staff to guide citizens to record their consent choices.


Read the entire VZVZ message here.


#Mitz #Apothecary #ApotheekInnovation #Apotheekinformatiesysteem #VZVZ #SmartMedPharmacy #ApotheekPijnackerCentrum

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